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From its inception to today "Honest Trade" Our organization, having chosen the path of adhering to truthfulness, integrity, fairness, and widely accepted moral principles in its commercial activities, is steadfast in executing this policy without compromise, maintaining its reputation for honesty, and is resolute in ensuring that this policy is consistently implemented by all employees.
• To adhere to truthfulness, honesty, fairness, and universally accepted moral principles in commercial activities;
• During commercial activities, to avoid harming the environment and to strive to minimize damage in necessary situations.
• To protect the rights of partners and to act honestly towards them.
• To not discriminate in hiring and promotion of employees based on language, religion, region, race, gender, age, etc.
• To not engage in or condone behavior that violates the human dignity and personal rights of employees.
• Not to compromise on quality in the sale of goods and services.
• To aim for customer satisfaction and the fulfillment of their needs in the sale of goods and services.
• Not to sell fraudulent or defective goods.
• Not to make false promises in the sale and advertising of goods and services.
• To remain faithful to the contracts made with our customers.
• To adhere unwaveringly to the principles of truthfulness and honesty towards other firms from which we purchase and to which we sell goods and services, and to remain committed to the agreements.
• To not engage in unfair competition.
Our organization's ETHICAL TRADE POLICY:

Dr. Fix


Dr. Fix as;
"In all our activities, protecting the health and ensuring the safety of our employees, business partners, subcontracted workers, and visitors is our foremost responsibility."
As the management, we acknowledge occupational health and safety as our primary responsibility and believe that all accidents can be prevented with the necessary precautions. We regard working with an awareness of occupational health and safety as one of the most important competencies we look for in our employees.
To ensure this, with the participation of all our employees;
Complying with current legal requirements, regulations, and standard obligations related to occupational health and safety;
Participating in all activities aimed at enhancing and continuously improving the occupational health and safety performance as determined by the senior management;
Establishing a culture of occupational health and safety that fosters individual and team responsibility among our employees, based on continuous safe behavior;
Assessing all potential accident risks related to occupational health and safety in our activities and workplaces, and taking all necessary preventive measures;
Taking all corrective measures to address the causes of accidents that occur and to prevent their recurrence, including remedial and preventive actions;
Conducting risk assessments in terms of occupational health and safety at every stage of new investments and taking all necessary preventive measures in advance;
Continuously educating and informing both existing and newly recruited Karlosan employees and subcontracted workers on the subject of occupational health and safety;
Collaborating with our subcontractors and suppliers on matters related to occupational health and safety;
Recognizing and reviewing our results related to occupational health and safety as one of the main performance indicators of our business, continually improving them, and sharing them with our employees;
we commit.

Dr. Fix


Dr. Fix as;
From procuring raw materials to the point of customer usage, it is our fundamental duty to protect the environment in every workplace we operate by making continuous improvements while offering our products, which are produced at a high level of quality and hygiene, to our customers;
To achieve this:
Complying with the current environmental legal requirements, regulations, and standard obligations, and acting in accordance with the environmental policy and standards shared by the senior management;
Minimizing our negative impact on the environment to the lowest possible level;
Minimizing the formation of all kinds of polluting waste and the consumption of natural resources in all our processes as far as technological possibilities allow, thereby reducing our harmful impact on the environment to the minimum level, and committing to the principle of preserving biodiversity;
Minimizing the formation of all kinds of polluting waste and the consumption of natural resources in all our processes as far as technological possibilities allow, thereby reducing our harmful impact on the environment to the minimum level, and committing to the principle of preserving biodiversity;
Collaborating with all employees, suppliers, and customers in line with our established environmental goals, encouraging environmental initiatives, planning and implementing necessary actions, and ensuring that our Environmental Policy is accessible to the public;
Fostering environmental awareness and instilling a sense of individual responsibility among all our employees, including our subcontractors, through education and communication;
Continuously improving our environmental performance by periodically reviewing our activities and results related to the environment;
we commit.

Dr. Fix


"To maintain customer satisfaction at the highest level, we produce our products in compliance with legal and regulatory requirements with the aim of an 'Integrated Quality Management System,' ensuring employee satisfaction and participation to continuously improve our system. Organizing continuous training programs for all our employees to ensure continuity in customer satisfaction is our organization's Quality Policy."


• To provide equal opportunities to our employees without regard to religion, language, race, sect, gender, or social origin.
To provide equal opportunities to our employees without regard to religion, language, race, sect, gender, or social origin,
To guarantee the ongoing enhancement of health and safety standards.
To not tolerate any form of forced or compulsory labor.
To refrain from employing child labor.
To refrain from conducting illegal activities and operations in the workplace.
To integrate our policy into training programs and provide ongoing training.
Our organization's commitment to Human Rights Policy. 
Dr. Fix


"Slowing down climate change caused by global warming; by reducing our environmental impact to preserve the ecological system, and avoiding air, water, and soil pollution is our organization's Biodiversity Policy."


Dr. Fix as;
• To demonstrate effective management by properly evaluating the energy sources and usage methods required in our business operations.
• To regularly review, update, and continuously improve the energy management system.
• To achieve the targeted energy performance by providing all necessary resources and utilizing them at the most optimal level.
• To ensure compliance with all standards, regulations, and requirements related to energy, including the energy management system.
• To continuously improve energy performance by focusing on energy efficiency during procurement processes.
To continuously improve energy performance by focusing on energy efficiency during procurement processes.
• To engage in activities that will help develop energy awareness among all our stakeholders.
• To take all additional measures deemed necessary by our stakeholders.

We commit.

Dr. Fix



To make Dr. Fix the most reliable and largest brand in the region.


With the latest technology machinery and professional staff, it is to produce quality in the international construction chemicals industry, in a manner that is compliant with current standards, and sensitive to both people and the environment.

Dr. Fix


Dr. Fix as;
• To meet our customers' needs promptly, accurately, and in accordance with international and national conditions, thereby maintaining business relationships at the highest level,
• To provide an environment in our work that will satisfy our customers to the extent that they will cite it as an example, establish superiority over our competitors ensuring continued trust and respect for our company, and comply with quality, environment, occupational health and safety, and energy management standards,
• To ensure that our company's employees take pride in their work, and to adopt professionalism, continuous improvement, innovation, and business development activities as the core strategy.
• To be aware of providing high-standard, quality products and services with the aim of ensuring uninterrupted customer satisfaction.
We commit.

Dr. Fix